Plants & Sleep: What Plants to Keep in Your Bedroom to Support Sleep

Creating a sleep-friendly environment is essential for a good night’s rest, and one of the easiest—and most natural—ways to enhance your sleep space is by adding plants. Not only do they bring a touch of nature indoors, but certain plants can also help improve air quality, reduce stress, and create a calming atmosphere conducive to sleep.

Here’s a guide to the best plants to keep in your bedroom to support a restful night’s sleep.

1. Lavender

    Lavender is widely known for its soothing fragrance, often used in aromatherapy to promote relaxation. Studies have shown that the scent of lavender can help lower blood pressure, heart rate, and stress levels, making it an ideal addition to your bedroom. Place a lavender plant on your nightstand, or keep a few sprigs in a vase to fill the room with its calming scent.

    2. Snake Plant

      The snake plant is a low-maintenance plant that’s perfect for the bedroom. It’s one of the best plants for improving indoor air quality, as it absorbs toxins and releases oxygen at night. This process can help you breathe easier and enjoy a more restful sleep. Plus, its striking upright leaves add a modern touch to any space.

      3. Aloe Vera

        Aloe Vera releases oxygen throughout the night, helping to keep your bedroom’s air fresh and clean. Additionally, Aloe Vera is known for its calming effects, and its gel can be used to soothe skin irritations. Keep it on a sunny windowsill, and let this multitasking plant work its magic while you sleep.

        4. Peace Lily

          The peace lily can filter out common pollutants, including formaldehyde and benzene, and increase humidity levels in your room. Higher humidity can help alleviate dry skin and irritated sinuses, making breathing and sleeping soundly easier. Its elegant white flowers also bring a touch of serenity to your sleep space.

          5. Jasmine

            The scent of jasmine has been shown to improve sleep quality and increase alertness during the day. A jasmine plant in your bedroom can create a peaceful atmosphere, helping you unwind and drift off to sleep more easily.

            6. English Ivy

              English Ivy is known for reducing mold and airborne particles, which can benefit those with allergies or respiratory issues. You can hang it from a basket or let it trail over a windowsill, adding a lush, green touch to your bedroom while supporting a healthier sleep environment.

              7. Valerian

                Valerian is a lesser-known but powerful plant when it comes to sleep. Its roots have been used for centuries in herbal remedies to treat insomnia and anxiety. While the plant has a pleasant, mild scent, the roots are most effective for promoting sleep. Consider keeping a valerian plant in your bedroom and exploring herbal teas or supplements that use valerian root for a natural sleep aid.

                Incorporating plants into your bedroom isn’t just about aesthetics—it’s about creating a healthy, calming environment that supports better sleep. Whether you choose a plant with air-purifying properties, a soothing fragrance, or natural sleep-enhancing qualities, these green companions can make a significant difference in your sleep quality.